Yuzuru Dono, president, Nihon Natural Therapy Co., Ltd.

Nihon Natural Therapy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “We”) hereby establish the following policy regarding the handling of personal information, announce it publicly, and declare our commitment to adhering to it.

(Compliance with Laws and Regulations)

1. We comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other relevant laws and regulations, as well as the guidelines on the protection of personal information established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, in all aspects of acquiring, using, and handling customers’ personal information. We ensure the appropriate handling of personal information.

(Acquisition of Personal Information)

2. We acquire personal information through appropriate means, without resorting to deception or other wrongful methods.

(Use of Personal Information)

3. We use personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the following purposes. If we use personal information for purposes not specified below, we will obtain the individual’s consent in advance.

  1. Sales and reception of various products
  2. Shipping of ordered products
  3. Providing information on various products and seminars
  4. Research and development of products and services through market research and data analysis, as well as conducting surveys
  5. Verification of the identity of the customer or the customer’s representative
  6. Reporting to customers on transaction results, payments received, and settlements
  7. Other tasks necessary for the proper and smooth execution of transactions with customers

(Protection of Customer Rights and Interests)

4. In order to protect the rights and interests of our customers regarding personal information, we take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of handled personal information, and to ensure other aspects of security management.

(Delegation of Personal Information Handling)

5. We entrust the handling of personal information, in whole or in part, within the scope of the purposes of use for tasks such as sales and reception of various products, product shipment, providing information on various products and seminars, and other activities. In such cases, we select entities deemed to handle personal information appropriately and stipulate matters concerning the handling of personal information, including security management, confidentiality, conditions for re-entrustment, and other related matters in the entrustment contract, and conduct necessary and appropriate supervision.

(Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties)

6. We will not provide customers’ personal information to third parties without the customer’s consent, except in the following cases.

  1. When required by law
  2. When it is necessary to protect a person’s life, body, or property, and obtaining the consent of the customer is difficult
  3. When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound growth of children, and obtaining the consent of the customer is difficult
  4. When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, local government, or an entity entrusted by them to perform duties prescribed by law, and obtaining the customer’s consent could impede the execution of those duties

(Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information)

7. When an individual requests the disclosure of their personal information, we will promptly disclose it. If we cannot confirm the individual’s identity, we will not respond to the disclosure request. If there are errors in the personal information, and the individual requests correction, addition, or deletion, we will investigate and promptly respond to these requests. If we cannot confirm the individual’s identity in such cases, we will not respond to these requests. For any requests or inquiries regarding our handling of personal information, please contact us at the address below.

[Contact Information]
Nihon Natural Therapy Co., Ltd.
Reception Hours: 09:00-17:00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, and the year end and New Year holidays)

(Supervision of Employees)

8. We will provide necessary and appropriate supervision of employees to ensure the security management of customers’ personal information. Additionally, we will conduct the necessary training and education for employees to ensure the proper handling of personal information.

(Response to Information Leak)

9. In the event of a leak or other incident involving customers’ personal information, we will promptly notify the customers of the facts and take appropriate action.

(Changes to this Policy)

10. The contents of this policy may be changed. Unless otherwise specified by our company, the revised policy will take effect from the time it is posted on this site.

Established: December 1, 2010