Quality with Trust

Nihon Natural Therapy Co Ltd, a pioneering company in the field of propolis, owns its own apiary in Brazil and produces propolis products domestically in Japan using only the finest quality Brazilian green propolis harvested from own apiary.

40 years in business
Dedication of a specialized manufacturer of propolis

For 40 years since its establishment, Nihon Natural Therapy Co Ltd, as a specialized propolis manufacturer, has been engaged in the entire process of raw propolis production, manufacturing, and research and development in-house, with the goal of utilizing the potential of propolis to improve the health and quality of life of our customers. We provide high quality propolis products with stable ingredients based on a stable supply of raw materials from our own apiary, thorough sanitation and a strict management system.

  • Bees entering and exiting the hive attach propolis.

    Bees entering and exiting
    the hive attach propolis.

  • Propolis is collected from the hive by hand.

    Propolis is collected
    from the hive by hand.

  • The best quality propolis are selected.

    The best quality propolis
    are selected.

Japan’s first owned apiary in Brazil.

The quality of propolis is largely determined by the geographic area, the type of bees and the native plant species. Propolis collected in Brazil, where Africanized honeybees with strong resistance to harsh environments live, is known for its high quality.
We are the first company in Japan to establish our own apiary in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, where the medicinal plant “Baccharis dracunculifolia DC (Asteraceae)” grows wild, and we produce high quality propolis with stable and useful ingredients through repeated surveys and research into the surrounding environment, flora and bee species.

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Wearing strict beekeeping attire, we harvest propolis.
Wearing strict beekeeping attire,
we harvest propolis.
A cluster of beehives where propolis is produced
A cluster of beehives
where propolis is produced

Commitment to Safe and High Quality Propolis

The raw propolis harvested from our own Brazilian apiary is selected by local staff, ensuring that only the highest quality raw propolis is shipped to Japan while maintaining its freshness.
The air-shipped propolis bears the S.I.F. license from the Federal Inspection Service of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, certifying its quality and proper management. Additionally, upon import, it undergoes rigorous testing for pesticide residues and antibiotics by a certified inspection agency authorized by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Furthermore, in accordance with the Positive List System, a comprehensive analysis of pesticide residues is conducted under strict safety standards.

Unique Extraction Technology and Craftsmanship skills

At our group factory in Yamanashi Prefecture, the raw propolis are further sorted based on their aroma, color, and freshness, using only the best parts. Our skilled technicians use a proprietary extraction method designed to fully bring out the useful ingredients of propolis, followed by aging the extract for over a year.
By relying on both the senses and analytical results, these technicians create an unmatched high-quality propolis extract, rich in useful ingredients.

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Our factory
Our factory
Propolis extract in maturation
Propolis extract in maturation

Brazil, our own apiary

  • 1Harvesting and Production of Propolis

    The harvesting period is limited to times suitable for producing high quality raw propolis. Our company maintains strict quality control measures at our own apiary in Brazil.

  • 2Inspection, Selection, and Air Transport of Propolis

    Only raw propolis that has passed stringent selection criteria is frozen for preservation and air-shipped to Japan, maintaining its freshness.

Yamanashi, Japan, our factory

  • 3Receiving Inspection of Raw Propolis

    At our factory in Yamanashi, Japan, the color, aroma, and freshness of the received raw propolis are checked. Only the best parts are used for extracting propolis.

  • 4Extracting the Essence from Raw Propolis

    Using a method designed to fully extract the useful ingredients of propolis, skilled technicians manually stir the mixture, judging the extraction process by aroma, color, and texture.

  • 5Maturation and Completion of Propolis Extract

    After the extraction process, the extract undergoes a maturation period. This lengthy process, taking approximately 18 months from extraction to maturation, results in the final propolis extract.

  • 6Delivering Propolis Products to Customers

    Delivering safe, secure, and high-quality propolis products to our customers. With a commitment to ‘always provide the best propolis’ without resorting to mass production, we develop a variety of propolis products.

Research Achievements by Research Institutions Worldwide

Propolis has a long history and experience of being used as folk medicine. Our company collaborates with domestic and international universities and research institutions, and we have our own research laboratory staffed with medical scientists proficient in propolis research. We are engaged in scientific evaluations, including basic research and clinical applications. Since our founding, we have continued to present numerous research achievements as conference presentations and articles in collaboration with our long-term research partner, Medical University of Silesia in Poland.

Collaborative research with Medical University of Silesia (Poland)
Collaborative research with Medical University of Silesia (Poland)
Research presentation at Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience
Research presentation at Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience