What is Propolis?

Propolis is a resinous substance produced by bees by mixing their secretions (such as beeswax and enzymes) with sap and new buds from various plants.

Africanized bees nibbling on B. dracunculiforia sprouts
Africanized bees nibbling on
B. dracunculiforia sprouts

Propolis Protecting Bees

Bees attach propolis around the entrance and gaps of their hives to prevent the intrusion of bacteria, viruses, and other enemies, keeping the hive sanitary. It is said that bees have survived for 50 million years without changing the ecosystem, thanks to propolis.

Propolis Varies by Region

Propolis is collected and produced by bees in nature, and it varies in color, aroma, taste, properties, and ingredients depending on the region, collection season, and plant group (source plants). The harsher the environment for bees, the stronger the propolis they need, making Brazilian propolis known for its quality.

Propolis Harvested from a Beehive
Propolis Harvested from a Beehive

The History of Propolis

Propolis has a long history as an excellent folk medicine, used primarily in Eastern and Western Europe since ancient Greek and Roman times. It is even mentioned in “Aristotelis Historia de Animalibus.” The rise of modern Western medicine and chemical pharmaceuticals led to a decline in propolis use. However, at Apimondia 1985 in Nagoya, the anti-tumor effects of propolis were introduced, which rekindled interest from researchers and the general public alike. Nowadays, propolis is scientifically studied for its health benefits at research institutions worldwide and is recognized as a functional material based on scientific evidence.

Ancient beekeeping images.
Ancient beekeeping images.

Main constituents and pharmacological actions of propolis.

Composition of Propolis

Propolis typically contains 50-60% resins and sap, 30-40% fatty acids and waxes, 5-10% essential oils, and the remaining 5-10% consists of other components. These other components include pollen, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.

Beneficial components of Propolis

Propolis is known to contain over 300 components including phenolic acids, flavonoids, esters, diterpenes, aromatic aldehydes, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. The rich beneficial components found in propolis have been shown to aid in maintaining our health, with many studies revealing its antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. In particular, Brazilian propolis has garnered global attention due to its high content of unique plant-derived components (cinnamic acid derivatives) not typically found in European or Chinese propolis.

Cinnamic acid derivative

  • p-coumaric acid
  • ・artepillin C
  • ・baccharin
  • ・dorpanin
  • ・cinnamic acid


  • ・quercetin
  • ・kaempferol
  • ・apigenin
  • ・kaempferide
  • ・pinocembrin


  • ・vitamin B1
  • ・vitamin B2
  • ・vitamin E
  • ・niacin
  • ・folic acid


  • ・magnesium
  • ・calcium
  • ・potassium
  • ・copper
  • ・manganese

Amino acids

  • ・glutamic acid
  • ・glycine
  • ・alanine
  • ・proline
  • ・aspartic acid